International Journal of Physics: Study and Research

ISSN: 2639-0426


About Journal

International Journal of Physics: Study and Research (IJPSR) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that encourages research in the field of Physics. Impact Factor: 0.9
IJPSR emphasizes on various innovative, experimental and hypothetical studies related to all aspects of physics. The scope of the journal covers a large range from difficult atoms and diatomic interactions to modelling of atoms and molecules using electromagnetic waves.

The journal has a broad scope which includes spectroscopy, dynamics, kinetics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, catalysis, surface science, quantum mechanics and theoretical developments.
Articles in the type of original research paper, review, mini review, short communication, case report and editorial are welcome for submission with the following publication after a comprehensive peer-review process.


 Nuclear Physics

  Solid-State Physics and Nuclear Physics



 Condensed Matter Physics



 Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

 Measurement of Radiation and Radioactivity

 Solid State Physics

 Condensed Matter and Complex Systems

 Particles and Fields

 Soft Matter and Biological Physics

 Nonlinear Biomedical Physics

 Quantum Technology

 Relativity and Cosmology

 Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics

 Hadrons and Nuclei

 Statistical Mechanics

 â€ŽTheoretical Physics

 Computer Applications in Physics

 Radiophysics & Electronics

 Geophysics and Planetology

 Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology

 Electrochemistry, Corrosion, Catalysis, Energy Conversion and Storage.

 Electromagnetism, Acoustics, Classical Mechanics

 Photochemistry and Photocatalysis

 Physical chemistry

Recent Publications
