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Shoichiro Ozaki

Shoichiro Ozaki

  • Published Article(s): The Effect of increase of NOx and CO₂ on Grain and Fish Production, Protection of Global Warming and Climate - Review Article
  • Journal Name: Journal of Earth Science and Geology
  • Author Name: Shoichiro Ozaki
  • Designation: Researcher
  • University: Hirosawa, Wokoshi Saitama
  • Country: Japan
  • Biography: Shoichiro Ozaki has served as the Professor at Ehime University, Department of Chemical Industry and as the Visiting Professor at various reputed universities of the world including University of Konstanz, New York State University and Shangdong University. He had also been a Research Chemist at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Tokyo, Japan. Currently he is the Professor Emeritus at the Ehime University, Japan. He has been the Recipient of Hatsumeishou (Invention Prize) for the invention of Carmofur (antitumor agent), Gakujutsusho (Academic Prize) from the Japan Chemical Society for the synthesis of biologically active compounds (Carmofur, IP3) and Fulbright Award.
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