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Ricardo de Araujo Kalid

Ricardo de Araujo Kalid

  • Published Article(s): UGV for the process of Drying Coffee on Patios - Research Article
  • Journal Name: Journal of Robotics Research, Applications and Automation
  • Author Name: Ricardo de Araujo Kalid
  • Designation: Professor
  • University: Federal University of Bahia
  • Country: Brazil
  • Biography: Born in Itabuna-BA, September 4, 1964. He has a degree (1988) and a master's degree (1991) in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of UFBA and a doctorate (1999) in Chemical Engineering from the University of São Paulo. He is currently Deputy Coordinator of the Clean Technology Network - TECLIM-UFSB. Has experience in Chemical and Industrial Engineering, focusing on industrial processes, acting on the following subjects: estimation of measurement uncertainty, modeling, control, simulation and technical-economic-environmental process optimization.
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