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Kashyap Borgohain

Kashyap Borgohain

  • Published Article(s): Sedimentological Characteristics of the Barail Arenaceous Unit of Makum-North Hapjan Oil Field, Assam - Research Article
  • Journal Name: Journal of Earth Science and Geology
  • Author Name: Kashyap Borgohain
  • Designation: Ph.D Scholar
  • University: Dibrugarh University
  • Country: India
  • Biography: Mr. Kashyap Borgohain is presently working as a guest lecturer in the Department of Geology at Gargaon College and pursuing Ph.D in Sedimentology in Applied Geology department, Dibrugarh University. He received his M.Sc degree in Applied Geology From Dibrugarh University in 2017. His area of research interest include Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology. Publications: 1. Borgohain, K., Borgohain, P., Bharali, B., & Baruah, J. Sedimentological Characteristics of the Barail Arenaceous Unit of Makum-North Hapjan Oil Field, Assam. Int J Earth Sci Geol. 2019; 1(2): 66-73. doi: 10.18689/ijeg-1000108. 2. Borgohain, J., & Borgohain, K., Heavy mineral analysis of the Tipam Sandstone formation exposed around Diphu area of Karbi Anglong District, Assam. Open Science, A Compilation of Science Articles, Vol. 1, ISBN : 978-81-937874-6-5.
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