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Alice S Ryan

Alice S Ryan

  • Published Article(s): Role of Dietary Macronutrients and Fatty Acids in Obesity and Metabolic Risk in Older Adults - Research Article
  • Journal Name: Journal of Obesity and Nutritional Science
  • Author Name: Alice S Ryan
  • Designation: Professor
  • University: Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • Country: USA
  • Biography: Alice S. Ryan is currently working as a Professor in Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Baltimore, USA. Her research interest in the study of obesity, body fat distribution, intramuscular fat and their role in insulin resistance with emphasis on the effects of weight loss and exercise training on muscle and glucose metabolism in sedentary, overweight individuals. The basic research includes the study of mechanisms by which diet and exercise interventions (aerobic and resistive training) affect skeletal muscle and adipose tissue metabolism, insulin signaling and gene expression in muscle, and in vivo insulin action in sedentary older individuals.
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