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Vincent S Gallicchio

Vincent S Gallicchio

  • Published Article(s): The Dual Effect of Lithium on Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Bipolar Disorder: A Review - Review Article
  • Journal Name: Journal of Clinical Research
  • Author Name: Vincent S Gallicchio
  • Designation: Professor
  • University: Clemson University
  • Country: USA
  • Biography: Dr. Vincent S. Gallicchio has 45 years experience in academic medicine and research covering experimental hematology, immunology, stem cell biology, and developmental therapeutics for human diseases such as AIDS and cancer. He has earned national and international recognition for his efforts. In a first time study reporting on academic scholarly productivity in the Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science, Dr. Gallicchio was rated the number one academic biomedical laboratory science researcher in the United States. His rating of 551 was nearly twice that of the next closest professor’s score of 285. Additionally, during his leadership, the academic program in Clinical Laboratory Science at the University of Kentucky Medical Center was rated the number one program of its kind among 127 in the nation. His passion for research, a high value placed on excellence, a strong reputation as an esteemed collaborator, and a tenacious desire to see a better therapies for human diseases brought to market speak to his overall character.
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