Madridge Journal of Food Technology

ISSN: 2577-4182

2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference
October 10-11, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tackling Malnutrition, Obesity and Diabetes in Asia through Public Private Partnerships

B. Kistner

Defugo Bio, Germany

DOI: 10.18689/2577-4182.a2.010

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Introduction: It is estimated that the world's population will cap in the year 2100 at 11 bio people of which 90 % will live in Asia and Africa. The pressure on air, space, water and food supply will be immense. For a company in the food and beverage industry it is evident that business growth will come from Asia and Africa. Today both regions face nutrition related health issues, both a problem for society but also an opportunity for the F&B industry to develop innovate and healthy food solutions and join the public sector in Public Private Partnerships to develop product innovation, new business models and form alliances.

Background: Aiming to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals SDG 2 & 3 – improving nutrition and SDG 17 partnerships. Today approximately 2/3 of humanity is affected by malnutrition – the fact that people have no access to food variety. Most devastating effects are during the first 1000 days of a humanʼs life – from conception to the 2nd birthday. If a human being has no access to a balanced diet during this time the person will either suffer from under-nutrition, stunting and wasting, have impaired brain capacity or will be overweight. In most Asian countries 30 % of children are stunted – too short for their age.

Obesity is lowest in Asia, between 10 and 15 % of the population; however, the increase in Asia is the highest with almost 30 % in the last 4 years as a by-product of economic development. Obesity often results in other health problems like diabetes II, colon cancer or heart disease. The cost of obesity to the healthcare systems in Asia are up to 20 % of the total healthcare expenditure.

Another health problem in Asia is osteoporosis – it is estimated that one in three women in Asia over 50 will suffer from it – this is mainly due to low milk consumption and no exposure to sunlight.

Mission: The public debate tends to be dominated by single solution discussions, which often polarize groups, fan outrage and make constructive collaborations difficult. What is needed is a system change to facilitate healthy food choices for a population in general. We must engage in multi-sectoral dialogues between industry, academia, government and non-governmental organizations. Further each involved party needs to be ready to change, this is essential for development.

Multiple, complementary interventions are necessary to show results. Studies are required on how to implement such interventions in different geo-political, social, physical, economic and cultural context. Interventions not as a linear process but rather holistic as a more circular process involving continuous learning, adaption and mainstream transparency.

Public Private Partnership Process

  • Start with data
  • Identify shared interest
  • Design for impact
  • Mainstream transparency
  • Measure outcomes

Used Sources: Hans Rosling TED talk
Mc Kinsey Global Institute Report 2014
Economic Intelligence Unit Report 2017

Bruno Kistner is the Director Strategic Alliances at Defugo Bioceuticals, Singapore. He has worked in the UK as export coordinator with Roche as Head of Logistics, Marketing Manager in Middle East Region & Head of Emerging Markets Region HNH (India, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa). He is the Member of the Board Wuxi NutriRice Ltd. China.