Madridge Journal of Food Technology

ISSN: 2577-4182

2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference
October 10-11, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fermented Plant and Seaweed Products – Prebiotics, Probiotics and Bioactives

Søren Kjærulff

FermBiotics ApS, Denmark

DOI: 10.18689/2577-4182.a2.010

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FermBiotics have developed several fermented plant and seaweed products for animal and human health. The products consist of prebiotics, probiotics and bioactives from the fermented plant and seaweed material. Metabolomic studies of the products have revealed several very health related metabolites and bioactives. We have demonstrated very good in vitro anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activities of the fermented material. FermBiotics has performed several intervention studies in animal species and performed microbiome analysis of the gut bacteria and results have shown significant microbiome modulation. An additional pig trial showed a high (58%) reduction of LDL-cholesterol in pigs given 4 % fermented canola meal diet compared with normal diet. FermBiotics will in collaboration with Silkeborg Hospital, Denmark in the EU project Macro Cascade run a randomized double-blinded matched cross trial using a dose of 5 g fermented canola and seaweed material in 2h of 2018. The clinical trial will be performed in N=80 human patients with mild-moderate state of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and/or Spondyloarthropathy (SPA) including both gender.

Søren Kjærulff, CEO of Fermbiotics and CTO Fermentation experts. He is the responsible for development of fermented plant and seaweed food and pet food products with microbiome modulatory activity. He is responsible for introducing the product to the market, investigate and develop its functionality, identify the regulatory requirements, as well as go-to-market strategies. Former Novozymes senior director of biopharma R&D responsible of anti-microbial and antiinflammatory peptides and albumin half-life extension of peptide drugs. He is the former vice president of R&D at Pantheco and Santaris Pharma.