Madridge Journal of Food Technology

ISSN: 2577-4182

2nd International Conference on Obesity and Weight Loss
October 15-17, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Is Weight Loss Secondary to Restrictive Bariatric Surgery Physiologic?

Mohammad Talebpour

Sina Hospital, Iran

DOI: 10.18689/2577-4182.a2.017

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Aim: The aim of this study is to show: is weight loss secondary to restrictive bariatric surgery although completely different to just diet, physiologic and can body composition after 6 months of operation, be accepted as a normal physiologic condition or not?

Method: The protein mapping of 30 morbid obese patients calculated by high performance liquid chromatography before and after 6 months of operation. Body composition of patients checked as well. The rate of weight loss and the changes of body composition and protein mapping analyzed.

Result: The mean weight before and after 6 months of operation was 116 and 79. The mean BMI was 44 to 30. Fat percentage 46.1 to 28.3 and predicted muscle mass was 33.3 to 30.1. The body composition after 6 months of gastric plication was highly suggestive to normal, very superior to pre operation condition. About 10% of protein was lost due to protein catabolism secondary to aggressive calorie restriction

Conclusion: Although the rate of weight loss is too much faster in compare to diet and exercise, it is physiologic and is the result of hormonal changes based on change of protein mapping due to accelerated lipolysis. It is with 10% protein lose which can be controlled by at least 100 gr protein intake daily. Exercise has shown increase the muscle mass and decrease the risk of protein catabolism during rapid weight loss.

Dr. Mohammad Talebpour was born at Tehran, Iran, 1964. He passed general doctorate and general surgery in Tehran University of Medical science (TUMS) from 1982 to 1993. He is faculty of TUMS from 1994 up to know. He has started basic laparoscopy from 1994. He passed active fellowship of advanced laparoscopy at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, UK under supervision of Prof Cuschieri and at IRCAD Center under supervision of Prof Marescaw and Prof Leroy at 1999. He has started advanced laparoscopy from 2000 including bariatric surgery. He introduced gastric plication as the new novel physiologic restrictive bariatric method at 2000 and has the most experience in this field during 18 years with about 2000 cases. He is associate Prof and head of laparoscopic ward in TUMS, Sina Hospital, Tehran, Iran. He is a member of IFSO, IEF and IAS. He is a delegate of Iranian IFSO branch. He has published 25 papers, presented up to 100 oral lectures and was invited speaker in 18 international meetings.