Madridge Journal of Food Technology

ISSN: 2577-4182

International Conference on Nutrition, Health and Aging
September 26-27, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany

Effect of Antimicrobial Characteristics of Pepper Fruits on Some Spoilage Organism of Fessiekh Products

Afra Abdelaziz Abdalla Ahmed1*, Egbal O Ahmed1 and Hassan M Adam2

1University of Alneelain, Sudan
2Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Sudan

DOI: 10.18689/2577-4182.a2.004

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The present study conducted to evaluate the effect of antimicrobial characteristics of hot and sweet pepper on some spoilage organisms of Fessiekh (local Sudanese fermented salted fish (Hydrocynus spp )) products. The crude Fessiekh was treated with pepper fruits as dried powder of two types of pepper (fruit-1Capsicum anunum – sweet pepper, fruit -2 Capsicum frutescens – hot pepper) as natural conserved material. The chemical composition of crude and treated Fessiekh were significantly different with (P< 0.01) in moisture, (P< 0.05) in ash and pH, and had no significant differences in both protein and fat. The total viable counts in the first four days after adding of pepper fruits were decreased and showed high significant differences (P< 0.01) between the two types of pepper fruits and the hot one was the most effective on the total viable counts which decreased from 43.4 ×103± 1.3 ×103 at first day to 4.5 ×103 ± 1×103 after 96 hr, the Staph spp test showed positive results with counts 7.6 ×103 for crude, and 21.9 ×103 for sweet pepper treated Fessiekh and negative for hot pepper treated Feesiekh. The Listeria spp. test was positive for Fessiekh treated and negative for crude Fessiekh samples, while the Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogens had no effects on all samples. The study conclude that the addition of pepper fruits either sweet or hot will affect the microbial load by reduced it and raise the quality of Fessiekh products in Sudan.

Key words: Fessiekh, salted fish, Hydrocynus spp., quality, pepper, antimicrobial.

Afra Abdelaziz Abdalla Ahmed is currently working as a lecturer in Department of Fish Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Science, AL-Neelain University. She obtained Degree in Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Science, AL-Neelain University, 2006 and Masters in Fish Science Technology, Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2010. Currently she is pursuing Ph. D. in University of Khartoum.