Madridge Journal of Food Technology

ISSN: 2577-4182

International Conference on Nutrition, Health and Aging
September 26-27, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany

Assessment of Nutritional Care Given to Patients with Chronic Diseases Admitted at Tanta University Hospitals

Noha M Elghazally

Tanta University, Egypt

DOI: 10.18689/2577-4182.a2.004

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Good nutrition is essential for the improvement of the patient health. Providing care for the sick is the primary purpose for which the hospital exists. All aspects of the hospital operation must be developed with the focus centered on the patient and his needs. This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional care given to patients with chronic diseases admitted at Tanta University Hospitals, in Tanta city, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Non probability purposive sample technique was used to include three hundred hospitalized adult patients above twenty years old suffering from diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hepatitis diseases admitted at Internal Medicine, Chest and Tropical Medicine Departments at Tanta University Hospital for a period of one year. The studied cases were interviewed to fill a specially designed questionnaire sheet included the following items: patientʼs history and sociodemographic data, assessment of the nutritional status of patients, patient satisfaction, assessment of nutritional services conducted by Tanta University Hospital .Comparing nutritional status of patients at admission and at leaving the hospital; a decrease in BMI during the period of hospitalization and the food intake of patients was affected during the period of hospitalization. The majority of patients were satisfied by the food given from the hospital kitchen. The applied food safety measures were poor in both university kitchens. It was evident that nutritional status of patients were affected during the period of hospitalization, so emphasis on improving the nutritional care of hospitals and application of food safety measures in hospital kitchens.

Noha M. Elghazally working as a lecturer of public health and community medicine at faculty of medicine Tanta University in Egypt. She had ten years of experience in research, teaching and administration both in hospitals and educational institutions. She is specified in the field of clinical nutrition. She had many researches in this field.