Madridge Journal of Food Technology

ISSN: 2577-4182

2nd International Conference on Food Science and Bioprocess Technology
October 1-2, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany

Value Addition of Finger Millet Enhances Nutritional Security: Success of Women Agripreneur

K Nishitha1*, M T Lakshminarayan2, M Shivamurthy2, B Krishnamurthy2 and K S Kowsalya2

1Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission, India
2University of Agricultural Sciences, India

DOI: 10.18689/2577-4182.a2.006

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Millets are gaining more recognition in the recent years as a substitute for major cereal grains to fill the gap between food security and increasing population. They are superior in respect to protein, energy, vitamins, minerals and are rich source of dietary fibre and phyto-chemicals. Minor millets act as a shield against nutritional deficiency disorders and provide nutritional security. Double income families are increasing these years and people want to relish food in various delicacies, hence the value added products of millets are very popular meeting the needs of modernized population. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) is one of the important minor millet cultivated in Southern Karnataka as a staple crop. It is a crop with high nutraceutical value that can serve as an ideal food to address the health issues of people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

The present article highlights about the success story of a women agripreneur. Mrs. Latha B.G. is a successful agripreneur specialized in processed multi-grains and finger millet products. She has initiated a company called “Shree Agro Foods” with a brand name “Navavita” after undergoing training programme on Entrepreneurship Development at AWAKE(Association for Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka). She has also undergone training on processing, marketing and value addition of millets at Bakery Training Unit, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru.

Shree Agro Foods is preparing value added multi grain products (Navadhanya health mix and sprouted nava dhanya malt) and finger millet products (Malt, dosa mix, huri-hittu, flour, chocolates, laddu, mixture and papad). Packing material is designed by Shree Agro-Foods and products are licensed by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and District Industries Centre. Products are marketed at food exhibitions, also through retail stores and online marketing. She earns an annual net income of three lakh rupees ($ 4500) and she has engaged fellow women to assist in the production of value added products. Looking into her achievements she has been recognized with ‘Entrepreneur Excellency Award’ by AWAKE. Once a common women and now an entrepreneur is all enthralled and is a motivation to other women folk across the globe.

K Nishitha, Research Associate at Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission, Bengaluru, India. K Nishitha has completed Master degree in Agricultural Extension at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru and have worked as Senior Research Fellow at Agriculture Technology Information Centre, Bengaluru. K Nishitha was a Erasmus Mundus Namaste-India Master Exchange student at Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany and have participated in the European Summer Course – 2016, “Whatʼs up, Europe?” funded by DAAD, held at the European Academy of Otzenhausen, Germany. Published three research papers in NAAS rated journals and have presented several research articles in the National and International Conference. She has received ‘Best Poster Presentation Award’ in the International Conference held during 2013 at Bengaluru.