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Editor Name: Zheenbek Kulenbekov

Designation: Department Chair

University: American University of Central Asia

Country: Kyrgyz Republic

Biography: Dr. Kulenbekov Zh. received his PhD from the Technical University of Freiberg Mining Academy, Germany in 2013. Currently, he is working as a Chair of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (EMSD) and Applied Geology programs at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA), since August 2014. He is one of the recipients of a research award from PEER, Cycle 5, administered by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and financed by USAID in 2016-2019. Dr. Kulenbekov was a Vice Head and Scientific Committee Chair of International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation – 2018. He was a Chair of International Conference on Central Asia Water Resource Management in 2019. He is a guest reviewer of Central Asia Journal of Water Research (ISSN 2522-9060).

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision