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Swati Shourie - Editor

Journal of AIDS

Editor Name: Swati Shourie

Designation: Associate Lecturer

University: Monash University

Country: Australia


Swati is an early career Research Fellow at CONROD. Swati will be looking at health-related outcomes following road traffic injuries, including the effect of psychological health on recovery. Swati obtained her PhD from the University of Sydney in December 2008.
Swati relocated to the UK in 2008, where she investigated the effectiveness of a web based decision aid for the MMR vaccine among parents in West Yorkshire to assist parental decision making regarding the MMR vaccine and in turn improving the MMR vaccine uptake. Since returning to Australia, Swati has been working in the area of health-related outcomes among claimants following road traffic injuries.
Research Interests: Behavioural interventions; Health-related outcomes; Epidemiology.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision