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Editor Name: Smain Femmam

Designation: Professor

University: University of Haute-Alsace

Country: France


Smain Femmam is Director of research at the University of Haute-Alsace France and responsible of the Research team on Signals & Safety Systems of Polytechnic Engineers School Sceaux France. He received the MS and Ph.D. degrees in Signal Processing and Computers from Versailles University, France in 1997 and 1999 respectively. Since 2013 he is promoted to a rank of senior director of research (HDR). After that, he joined the CMU Carnegie Mellon University & West Virginia University as Postdoc Fellow and Distinguished Visiting Professor. His main research area is signal processing, safety systems, communication and embedded systems. He has a strong interest in perception and

characterization of signals, optimal filtering, spectral analysis, wavelets and perception haptics. Dr. Femmam is a senior member of IEEE, SEE and GDR ISIS. Member of IEEE C.A. committee France section. Board of Director of the Institute for Engineering and Technology Innovations in the World. He has guided numerous thesis projects, including some doctoral theses. He is active reviewer for several scientific academic journals and committee member of international conferences. He is the (Academic, Chief) Editor-in-Chief, Editor, Editorial Board, Guest Editor & Advisory Board members of more than 20 International Journals. He has authored and co-authored more than 90 papers, four Chapters, one edited Book, seven Books published by Wiley & Elsevier.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision