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Editor Name: Selin Piravadili Mucur

Designation: Senior Researcher

University: TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center, Photonics and Electronic Sensors Laboratory

Country: Turkey


Selin pıravadılı mucur was born in bandirma in turkey. After completing her primary and secondary education in bandırma, she completed her graduate and master of science education at hacettepe university in physics engineering department between 2000-2007. In 2011, she began experimental studies as a student in the photonics, electronics and sensors laboratory tübitakume and started her ph.d. Program in the ınstitute of engineering and science, physics department at gebze technichal university in 2012 and finished in 2015. Her ph.d. Subject was “effect of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles on the performance of organic lıghtemittingdiodes based on conjugated polymers”. Since 2013, she has been working as a researcher in the photonics technologies group at marmara research center, tubıtak. she has authored by 16 scientific publications in her m.s. And phd studies.

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