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Sally Guttmacher - Editor

Journal of AIDS

Editor Name: Sally Guttmacher

Designation: Professor

University: New York University

Country: USA


Professor Guttmacher directs the NYU MPH Program. Much of her research in the past several years has been in the Cape Town Metro area of South Africa. Dr. Guttmacher is currently involved in two research projects in South Africa. One is on the integration of TB and HIV clinics in the Cape Town Metro are which she is doing with her Doctoral Student Jenny Uyei. The second is examining the health and educational risk faced by the youth from Zimbabwe who is currently refugees in South Africa. Dr. Guttmacher is also involved in the evaluation of a training program for NPs in Title 10 clinics. She has just published a book, "Community Based Health Interventions" with Pat Kelly and Yumary Ruiz, Jossey Bass, 2010. 
Research Interests: Policy and prevention of chronic and infectious diseases; poverty and public health; women's health and evaluation; HIV/AIDS Prevention; Adolescent Risk Behavior; Evaluation of Public Health interventions; Prevention of infectious disease

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision