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Editor Name: Ramesh Paudel

Designation: Visiting Fellow, Research Supervisor

University: Australian National University, Kathmandu University

Country: Australia, Nepal


Dr Ramesh Chandra Paudel is currently working as a Research Academics at Kathmandu University Nepal and Visiting Fellow at Crawford School of Public Policy of  The Australian National University, Canberra,Australia.
Ramesh was a member of a team to draft Economic Policy of Nepal, and worked as a development expert at the ministry of finance, Government of Nepal. He has published more than 15 articles in refereed international academic journals,more than 10 conference proceedings, three books, two book chapters (one from Oxford University Press, and another is forth coming in International Food Price Research Institute USA as a co-author).  

Dr Ramesh has recently been involved in a number of consulting activities related to export performance of Nepal (for Asian Development Bank and National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal), Foreign Direct Investment in Sub Saharan economies (for World Bank) and trade facilitation in South Asia (for South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment, Nepal), and in a team work –Nepal’s Economic Policy (for Ministry of Finance, Government of Nepal).   

He holds a Ph.D (The Australian National University, Australia), Master by Research in Economics (University of Wollongong, Australia), BBA, MBA and MA-Economics (Tribhuvan University, Nepal).

Ramesh’s research interests include are, but not limited, in International trade, South Asian trade facilitation on, inclusive economic growth and sustainable development, foreign direct invest in Sub Saharan Africa, South Asian economies, landlocked developing countries’ trade and growth, investment climate, and structural transformation. His current focus is on ‘Integrative trade and logistics in land-locked countries and in the role of their neighbour countries’. He has conducted extensive research growth and trade performance for his PhD from ANU.  


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