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Prakash Tyagi - Editor

Journal of AIDS

Editor Name: Prakash Tyagi

Designation: Professor

University: University of Washington

Country: USA

Biography: Dr. Prakash Tyagi is the Executive Director of GRAVIS and Founder-Director of GRAVIS Hospital. In his academics, he has studied Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and International Public Health. He has also been the recipient of a Fulbright-Humphrey Fellowship to study global health at UNC Chapel Hill, received a Ford Fellowship to study non-profit management at Columbia University in New York and has studied public policy through a Fleishman Fellowship at Tarry Sanford School of Duke University. He has supported various non-profits working on health and development aspects nationally and internationally. With his global health experience, he has contributed to various international forums and has written extensively on major global health issues and priorities.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision