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Editor Name: Onur Alptürk

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: İstanbul Technical University

Country: İstanbul

Biography: Onur Alptürk was born in Ankara, Turkey, on April, 17th of 1975. After graduation from high school, he enrolled in the chemistry department of Middle East Technical University. While at METU, he carried out his undergraduate research under the supervision of Prof. Engin U. Akkaya on the synthesis of low-molecular weight phosphodiesterase mimics. In 1998, he enrolled in the biochemistry program of the same university. Under the supervision of Prof. Ayhan S. Demir and Prof. Mesude Iscan, he has worked on the synthesis of camptothecin prodrugs and some biologically active compounds and their effects on glutathione S-transferase. Additionally, he contributed to the project on a novel methodology to convert chiral amines into their corresponding pyrrole derivatives without racemization.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision