The person was born in 1963 in Izmir-Turkey. After he graduated at geological engineering from the department of Geosciens of the Engineering Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir in 1984, he received his B.Sc. (1988), and Ph.D. (1996) from the Mineralogy-Petrography Program of the Department of Geological Engineeing of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences at the same University.
He has had for thirty-five years of academically executive experience on the physico-chemistry identifications and reports, geological formation, and mining of gems-minerals. His current research studies are on the gem materials of Turkey as well as worldwide, especially geological and geo-chemical occurrences, and also mineralogical material characteristics
Accordingly, Dr. Hatipoğlu is specialist and expert on mineral characterization which can be evaluated the spectroscopical and microscopical methods using dispersive confocal Micro-Raman, all kinds of luminescence spectra, XRD, chemical analyses, atomic force microscopy, FT-IR, SEM etc.