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Editor Name: Mohammed Ashraf Gondal

Designation: Distinguished Professor

University: King Fahd University of petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)

Country: saudi arabia

Biography: Dr. M. A. Gondal is a Distinguished Professor at the Physics department and coordinator of laser research group at King Fahd University of petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) and visiting professor at MIT, USA since 2012. Dr. Gondal previously worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Applied Physical Sciences of the Research Institute, KFUPM. Dr. Gondal got his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Applied Physics, the University of Bonn, FR Germany (1983) in the field of high-resolution spectroscopy of molecules using the Laser Magnetic Resonance (LMR) technique. Dr. Gondal was appointed as a Regular Associate Member of the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (1988-1995). Recently Dr. Gondal has worked at MIT on a joint project on development of super-hydrophilic and super-ollieophobic surfaces for oil water separation and also have a joint project on laser induced waste water treatment using nanostructured metal oxides and nanocomposites with National University Singapore. 

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Editor's Decision