Editor Name: Michael D. Campbell
Designation: Senior Principal
University: I2M Consulting, LLC
Country: USA
Biography: 1976, M.A., in Geology, Rice University, Houston, Texas, awarded an Eleanor and Mills Bennett Fellowship, with courses in geology and geophysics. Additional 31 graduate hours toward Ph.D. Thesis: Paleoenvironmental and Diagenetic Implications of Selected Siderite Zones and Associated Sediments in the Upper Atoka Formation, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma-Arkansas, 124 p. (Recent Announcement), (Continuing Research)
1966, B.A., in Geology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, with additional courses in the Hydrogeology Program, and served as Undergraduate Research Assistant. Scientific German Secondary Field of Specialty. He began college in 1961 in southern California (at San Bernardino Valley College), taking undergraduate courses including: geology, chemistry, engineering drawing, etc. Transferred to OSU in 1962.