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Editor Name: Loc Nguyen

Designation: Professor

University: Loc Nguyen’s Academic Network

Country: Vietnam


Loc Nguyen is an independent scholar at Loc Nguyen's Academic Network from 2017. He holds Postdoctoral degree in Computer Science, certified by INSTICC in 2015. Currently, he is interested in poetry, computer science, statistics, mathematics, education, and medicine. He serves as reviewer and editor in a wide range of international journals and conferences from 2014. He is volunteer of Statistics Without Borders from 2015. He was granted as Mathematician by London Mathematical Society for Postdoctoral research in Mathematics from 2016. He was awarded as Professor by Scientific Advances and Science Publishing Group from 2016. He was awarded Doctorate of Statistical Medicine by HOSREM from 2016. He has published 61 papers in journals, books and conference proceedings. He is author of 2 scientific books and 2 postdoctoral dissertation. He is author and creator of 6 scientific and technological products.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision