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Editor Name: Khalil Kassmi

Designation: Professor

University: Mohamed Premier University

Country: Morocco


Khalil KASSMI, born in Casablanca (Morocco) in 1963, made all the higher education in the University Paul Sabatier (UPS) of Toulouse (France) from 1983 until 1991. In 1991, he obtained his PhD degree in Electronics from UPS in France. His different research was realized in the Laboratory of Automatic and Analysis of the Systems LAAS / CNRST (Toulouse) in MOS technology team. In 1992, he was recruited at SGS Thomson-Casablanca (Engineer), where he was responsible of the assembly chain of the powers electronic components (TO220, Thyristors). Then, in 1993, he integrated the Mohammed 1st University in Oujda, Morocco, as Professor-researcher, and he obtained his PhD degree (Doctorat d'état) in Electronics in 1996.

 Since 2000, he is Professor at the Mohammed 1st University of Oujda. He is responsible of the research team ‘Materials Electronics and Renewable Energies MERE’ of Electromagnetism Signal Processing and Renewable Energies Laboratory LESPRE. He makes researches and manages PhD student thesis on materials and electronic components, cells and photovoltaic systems, solar energy system. He is a coauthor in more than 100 publications and international communications in the field of the photovoltaic renewable energies (materials, cells and photovoltaic systems).

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