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Jose Maria Correa Bueno - Editor

Journal of Chemistry and Research

Editor Name: Jose Maria Correa Bueno

Designation: Professor

University: Federal University of São Carlos

Country: Brazil


He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry of the Paulista State University (IQ-Araraquara) and in 1986 he obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of São Paulo at PPG-EQ In 1995 he carried out postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Prof. Harold Kung at the Center for Catalysis and Surface Science (USA). 
In 1979 he joined the Department of Chemical Engineering   of the Federal University of São Carlos and, with the creation of the Catalysis Laboratory, began research activities in the area, in which he guides students at the level of Scientific Initiation, Master's and Doctorate . 
He started activities in catalysis with the study on the preparation and characterization of catalytic aluminas.

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Peer Review
Editor's Decision