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Editor Name: Feruza Nurutdinova

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Bukhara State University

Country: Uzbekistan


Dr. Feruza Nurutdinova is an Assistant Professor at the Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan. She has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and master’s degree in Organic Chemistry. Conducted dissertation work Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences on the topic: Extraction of chitin-chitosan from the death of bees APIS MELLIFERA and the study of their physicochemical specifications.

Professional Experience: She conducts research work in the field of biopolymers for the synthesis of chitin and chitosan. Scientific work in the field of polymers, synthesize biopolymers and study physicochemical and kinetic properties. She works in the field of Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic and Biochemistry

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Editor Name: Feruza Nurutdinova

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Bukhara State University

Country: Uzbekistan


Dr. Feruza Nurutdinova is an Assistant Professor at the Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan. She has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and master’s degree in Organic Chemistry. Conducted dissertation work Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences on the topic: Extraction of chitin-chitosan from the death of bees APIS MELLIFERA and the study of their physicochemical specifications.

Professional Experience: She conducts research work in the field of biopolymers for the synthesis of chitin and chitosan. Scientific work in the field of polymers, synthesize biopolymers and study physicochemical and kinetic properties. She works in the field of Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic and Biochemistry.

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