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Editor Name: Donna W Stokes

Designation: Associate professor

University: University of Houston

Country: U.S.A.

Biography: Donna Stokes is an associate professor of physics at the University of Houston. Her scientific research focuses on understanding the structural, optical and electrical properties of semiconductor materials for the development of novel detectors and lasers for infrared applications. She is also involved in physics education research focusing on improving student performance in introductory physics courses and on physics teacher education preparation. She is currently serving as the Undergraduate Academic Advisor for the Department of Physics, faculty advisor for the University of Houston’s Society of Physics Students, Astronomy Society and Sigma Pi Sigma. She received her BS in Physics from Southern University Baton Rouge (1988) and PhD in Physics from the University of Houston (1998). Prior to joining the faculty at UH, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Naval Research Laboratory (1998-2001). She is currently a fellow of the American Physical Society Physic Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC), she is the recipient of the NSF Early Career Award (2002) and the University of Houston Excellence in Group Teaching (2017) and the Advising and Mentoring Award (2011).

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision