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Editor Name: Dimitrios P. Nikolelis

Designation: Professor

University: University of Athens

Country: Greece


Dimitrios P. Nikolelis received his PhD from University of Athens in 1976 and he is a professor of environmental chemistry in Department of Chemistry, University of Athens. Prof. Dimitrios Nikolelis has coordinated 3 European Projects on environmental biosensors (CIPA96-0231, IC15-CT96-0804 and QLK3-2000-01311). He also was twice a. NATO Director in the following Advanced Research Workshops: 1. Biosensors for Direct Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in Field, Smolenice, Slovakia,: May 1996 and 2. Portable biosensors for the Rapid Detection of Biochemical Weapons of Terrorism, July 2012. Prof. Dimitrios Nikolelis has over 200 scientific papers in scientific journals and conferences. He is the Editor of 5 books on Biosensors (1. Biosensors for Direct Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in Field, Springer, 1996, 2. Portable Chemical Sensors- Weapons against Bioterrorism, Springer, 2012 and 3. Portable Biosensing of Food Toxicants and Environmental Pollutants, CRC, 2013 3. 4. Biosensors for Security and Bioterrorism Applications, Springer, 2014. 5. Nanotechology and biosensors: recent advances, Elsevier, in press. He is the Editor of many scientific journals. 

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