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Editor Name: Alexander E Berezin

Designation: Professor

University: Medical University of Zaporozhye

Country: Russia


Dr. Alexander E. Berezin has received PhD in 1994 in the State Medical University of Zaporozhye (Ukraine). He is currently working as a Professor of Medicine in the State Medical University of Zaporozhye (Ukraine). His research goals arefundamental study of biological markers, the development of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. Based on this research and training in heart failure he has received several awards and honors. He has published 850 papers and more in reputed journals,27 books/chaptersand has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.

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Alexander E. Berezin - Editor

Journal of Translational Medicine

Editor Name: Alexander E. Berezin

Designation: Professor

University: State Medical University

Country: Ukraine

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Editor Name: Alexander E. Berezin

Designation: Professor

University: State Medical University

Country: Ukraine


Dr. Alexander E. Berezin has received PhD in 1994 in the State Medical University of Zaporozhye (Ukraine). He is currently working as Senior Consultant, Lecturer andProfessor of Medicine in the State Medical University of Zaporozhye (Ukraine). His research goals arefundamental study of biological markers, the development of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. Based on this research and training in heart failure he has received several awards and honors. He has published 1050 papers and more in reputed journals,57 books/chaptersand has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.

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