Editor Name: Abdel Khaleq Mousa Alsmadi
Designation: Associate professor
University: Kuwait University
Country: Kuwait
Biography: My current research focuses on studying magnetic and related physical properties in two different classes of materials: correlated-electron systems (f-electron systems and transition-metal oxides) and nanostructures (powder, thin films, multilayers and dilute magnetic semiconductors).
In particular, I am studying magnetism in strongly correlated electrons systems (f-electron systems and transition-metal oxides) under multi extreme conditions (low temperature (up to mK), high magnetic field (up to 100T) and high pressure (CuBe cell up to 4 GPa and diamond anvil cell up to 100 GPa)) using neutron and x-ray scattering techniques and bulk measurements. Some examples of strongly correlated systems are the high-temperature superconductors, heavy fermion compounds (U-, Ce- and Eu- based compounds), Kondo compounds and Mott insulators.