International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics

ISSN: 2641-886X

Research Article

The Dark Matter: The Functional Unit Dark Matter with the Black Holes

Gerd Helmecke1 *, Ulrich Herkenrath2

1 Facharzt fuer Innere Medizin, Erfurtstr. 33, D-53757 St. Augustin, Germany
2 Faculty of Mathematics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Hans-Weber-Str. 1, D-53773 Hennef, Germany

*Corresponding author: Gerd Helmecke, Facharzt für Innere Medizin Erfurtstr. 33, D-53757 St. Augustin, Germany, E-mail:

Received: April 15, 2023 Accepted: June 09, 2023 Published: June 19, 2023

Citation: Helmecke G, Herkenrath U. The Dark Matter: The Functional Unit Dark Matter with the Black Holes. Int J Cosmol Astron Astrophys. 2023; 5(1): 205-207. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-1000138

Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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This article is devoted to the enigmatic concept of the Dark Matter, a postulated form of matter that is not directly observable but is believed to exert a gravitational force. Its existence is inferred based on the standard cosmological model that explains the motion of visible matter; including the velocity of stars orbiting their galaxy centers. The character of dark matter is a mystery in cosmology.

In the paper "From the Synchronization of the Atom via Gravity to the Organization of the Universe", the theory was developed by the authors that gravity is an electromagnetic phenomenon. In this work now it is explained that dark matter is produced by electromagnetic fields. Furthermore, the authors suggest that for the preservation of the conventional three-dimensional space exactly these gravitational fields are decisive. By this theory, the existence of galaxies, which originate from the present big bang, but are billions of light-years away, is explained.

In summary, the authors form a holistic model that captures dimensionalities higher than three, gravity, the wave theory of the atomic model, the jet stream of black holes, and the nature of dark matter.

Keywords: Functional Unit Black Hole and Dark Matter, Three-dimensional Space (3D Space), Superdimensionality, Galaxy distance, Big Bang, Gravitational Force

The Gravitation

The electromagnetic structure of atoms was postulated in the work "From the Synchronization of the Atom via Gravity to the Organization of the Universe" as cause of the gravitation. This is based on the hypothesis that in the interaction of positive and negative Loadings an imbalance occurs. By interactions of these loadings an accumulation of matter in the sense of gravitation is made possible.

As explained by the authors in the October 2022 paper on the black hole jet stream, the jet stream consists of radiated gravitational energy according to the fact that equal charges repel each other. If one assumes the possibility, the radiated charges do not drift apart, but are caught in an energy ball, similar to the phenomenon of a ball lightning, a stable gravitational field results from it.

The existence of the dark matter speaks for such a possibility. On the one hand this dark matter cannot be observed optically, on the other hand the effects which come from it are not to be denied. A gravitational field can cancel these contradictions and explain comprehensively.

The Dark Matter as Gravitational Field

As already explained above, the rotation should provide the necessary stability - similar to the ball lightning. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity such an electromagnetic field in rotation would move with speed of light in itself. For every observer, who moves with lower speed, a change of this system cannot be grasped temporally, i.e., the system is stable. Only for the explanation, in the ball lightning electrons move with "only" 1/3 of the speed of light, therefore no timeless system is present.

If these gravity fields are stable, however, they can outlast the time when all matter has been absorbed by the black holes. From these results inevitably:The three-dimensional space structure doesn't expire when all matter has been transferred into a super dimensionality by the black holes.

The Distances of the Galaxies

In the explanations of the astrophysics the opinion is widely valid that the big bang originated from a singularity. But if from one single point the condensation of the matter should have taken place, there are difficulties to explain the distances of the single galaxies. The propagation velocity from a singulation point cannot give a plausible explanation for the different distances.

But since there is a propagation constant in the cosmos, some other cause must have led to these contradictory results. In our publication "Foundations for a new basis cosmos model" is explained that the number of dimensions is greater than four.

Such an overdimensionality, is the explanation. From our observations we know, the matter which is absorbed by a black hole disappears from our observation possibilities. It is to be assumed, it leaves the three-dimensional space and is transferred into a higher dimensional system, because otherwise it would be detectable.

Consequences of Over Dimensionality

It is certain, distances between two places depend on the dimensionality. Thus, the distance of two points on a sphere depends on whether I measure over the surface of the sphere or in the form of a section as a secant. If one assumes, the phenomenon of the distance of points is dependent also in superdimensional spaces on the kind of the measuring method, then it is probable that at the condensation of the matter at the big bang the distances do not apply as we measure now between the galaxies.

As stated in previous sections, the gravitational fields, produced by the jet stream of black holes, probably lead to condensation points for matter in three-dimensional space. It must be considered, these distances, which we measure today,do not fit to the position of the points to each other in the superdimensional space.

According to our today's knowledge every galaxy has a black hole. This fact supports the thesis, the former gravitational fields become black holes by the big bang and take over now with new formation of a jet stream the repeated formation of gravitational fields. With it the cycle of the resorption of the matter closes then to the new formation by a further big bang.


The dark matter and the black holes form therefore a functional unit which allows to transfer matter into a superdimensional form and to reactivate it afterwards again as matter. Even if in this way the origin and dissolution of the cosmos can be explained, it is nevertheless not the solution what is the Primal Principle for this system at all.

Independently of this core question it is to be noted: Wave theory of the atom and matter, gravitation, the jet stream of black holes, dark matter and superdimensionality now harmonize in a holistic model.


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