International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics

ISSN: 2641-886X

Research Article

Higgs Field and Mass to the Elementary Particles

Chandra Prakash Trivedi

Former Principal and Professor, Vikram University, Ujjain and Gwalior, India

*Corresponding author: Chandra Prakash Trivedi, Former Principal and Professor, Vikram University, Ujjain and Gwalior, India, E-mail:

Received: September 20, 2022 Accepted: October 14, 2022 Published: October 25, 2022

Citation: Trivedi CP. Higgs Field and Mass to the Elementary Particles. Int J Cosmol Astron Astrophys. 2022; 4(2): 196-198. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-1000135

Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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The Higgs field is the ensign of existence, but how do the elementary particles get the Mass? The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The elementary particles adhered to space, the sound of vibration, touched, press the mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. The presser compression with touch and go change the wavelength with the configuration of electrons moving around the nucleus with phonic atomic effect, and impart mass to elementary particles. The photon and phonon are two complementary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at the molecular level with the configuration of electron and half-spin change in complementary wavelength.

Keywords: Hadron jet, Electron, Photon, Phonon


It has been discovered at Grand Canyon and engraved on a Gold plate. With my studies into the cosmology, I was searching how the elementary particles get the mass with the Higgs field. To search this I have touched the pre-cosmic darkness?

The earth is a part of our solar system, which is one unit of the cosmos. The human body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm. All can be searched just like a drop of water in the sea can reveal the character of the ocean.

The foremost event in the pre-cosmic atmosphere was the appearance of shock waves with equal and opposite character of the unfathomed dark matter as antimagnetic, immortal without charge. It has appeared, just like shock waves appear before the earthquake. It has activated the inactive dark matter with vibration of waves with resonance, It is just like that when we raise whip in the air and sound is generated, in the same fashion the vibrating waves generated phonon the smallest unit of sound.

It is like touch and go reaction, where immortal phonon touch press mark to activate opposite wavelength. With repeated resonance has activated opposite wavelength with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite direction.

The vibrations and resonance has created temperature-pressure and the dark matter exploded with blast and light. The photon and phonon maintained their continuity as electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibration and sound with resonance.

The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectrum, they are interconnected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelength from Gamma rays to Radio waves.

The immortal phonon stimulates the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength, and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time.

The flow of the photon and photon has been halted with the Higgs field underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles. They have maintained their continuity in the molecule matter and cell body and are integral part of the same.

Our Solar system is one unit in the vast ocean of the cosmos and evolved Billions of years ago with the cosmological event, under space, time, and environmental conditions.

The antimatter of dark matter is sound phonon waves with opposite character and anti-magnetic wavelength. They are interconnected at the molecular level with electron configuration with half spin change in the opposite direction.


There is no witness for the pre-cosmic cosmology. I have studied the solar phenomena with naked eyes with confirmation from Grand Canyon, North America & Veda.

The foremost event in the pre-cosmic cosmology was the appearance of the waves in the dark atmosphere, just like the shock waves appear before the Earthquake. And with waves in existence, a sky appeared within the cosmos as a precursor of our solar system, the space is like the Higgs field ensign of existence.

The space within the space, means sky appeared in the cosmos, like Higgs field, underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles, Space has given a place for the vibration of waves, and phonon is the smallest unit of sound with resonance has plundered thoroughly the dark atmosphere and filled the waste with resonance it was touch and go reaction it has activated the dark matter with the opposite wavelength with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite direction.. The phonon wave is immortal and infinite, It has taken millions of years to activate the inert inactive magnetism-dark matter with opposite wavelength.

With the compression and concentration of dark waves with phonon has increased the temperature and pressure. It has exploded with blast and light with the formation of quarks, and other fundamental particles with equal and opposite wavelength. The Photon and phonon run parallel with a blast in incandescent gaseous clouds.

A few millionths of a second later, quarks aggregated to produce protons and neutrons. Within minutes, these protons and neutrons combined into nuclei. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. It took about 380,000 years.

The flow of the photon and phonon has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the underlying space Higgs field granted mass to the elementary particles with the formation of asteroids and planets. Both have maintained their continuity in the molecule matter and the cell body. The Higgs field is the ensign of existence. How do the elementary particles get the Mass?

The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The elementary particles adhered to space, the sound of vibration, touched, press the mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. The presser compression with touch and go change the wavelength with the configuration of electrons moving around the nucleus with phonic atomic effect, and impart mass to elementary particles.

The photon and phonon are two complementary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at the molecular level with the configuration of electron and half-spin change in complementary wavelength. It has been discovered at Grand Canyon and engraved on a Gold plate with its text in Veda.

The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectrum from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelength. The immortal phonon stimulate the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einsteinʼs Equation E=Mc2.

The generation of the atom from the subatomic particles with photon-phonon interaction is the primary symbol of existence. All elementary particles are vibrating with the resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complementary to each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonant with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013 with asteroids and planets.

Every elementary particle in the Universe appears to have a partner particle called its antiparticle. The electron and the anti-electron have exactly the same masses, but they have exactly opposite electrical charges.

All elementary particles have existence with their complementary phonon wavelength, which held them with resonance and electron configuration with half-spin change. The phonon is its antiparticle with equal and opposite wavelength and characters. The photon and phonon maintained their continuity as electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibration and sound with resonance.

The flow of the photon and photon has been halted with the Higgs field underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles. They have maintained their continuity in the molecule matter and cell body and are integral part of the same.

The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectrum from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelength. The immortal phonon stimulate the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einsteinʼs Equation E=Mc2.

The generation of the atom from the subatomic particles with photon-phonon interaction is the primary symbol of existence. All elementary particles are vibrating with the resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complementary to each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonant with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013 with asteroids and planets.

Result and Conclusion

The immortal phonon and photon are integral parts of an atom and live cell body. The phonon wave has activated the dark matter with resonance with equal and opposite wavelength. They have maintained their continuity with complementary phonon and photon. The electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibration and sound with resonance, and maintained their continuity in the atom, molecule, matter and cell body with the origin of life from DNA in slime soup before 4-6 Billion years ago.

The purine and the pyrimidine base pair of DNA differing only in Nitrogen have shed from the Nebula with the cosmological event. It divides in the air just like image in the mirror. The Purine and pyrimidine base pair of the DNA has inbuilt mechanism for the transcription and translation with time, with three immortal and three stages of life. The three immortal are, 1- the Higgs field ensign of the existence, 2- the immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis, with food metabolism is the source of life. 3. The immortal DNA with resonant vibrations. It has been activated by its complementary phonon wavelength in the slime soup with synthesis of first amino acid 4-6 Billion years ago. The immortal phonon follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life.


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