Madridge Journal of Behavioral & Social Sciences

ISSN: 2638-2032

Opinion Article - Special Issue

Social Engineering: Using Social Science to Improve Ourselves and Society

Darryl Penney

Pebbly Beach Anti-ageing Philosophy Centre, Australia

*Corresponding author: Darryl Penney, Pebbly Beach Anti-ageing Philosophy Centre, Country Corner, 40 Pebbly Beach Rd. Batemans Bay, New South Wales, Australia, E-mail:

Received: February 20, 2023 Accepted: March 07, 2023 Published: March 14, 2023

Citation:: Penney D. Social Engineering: Using Social Science to Improve Ourselves and Society. Madridge J Behav Soc Sci. 2023; S1(1): 1-6. doi: 10.18689/mjbss-s1-001

Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Social engineering is almost non-existent because firstly, organisation is shunned and not understood, secondly, governance is crude and argumentative [democracy] or by fiat [Kings, Gods etc.] and governed by laws, police, fines, jail etc., thirdly, civilisation has extremely few overarching goals and fourthly, people can be socially irresponsible. The effects of religion are diminishing, governments are becoming increasingly intrusive, multiculturalism is divisive, opportunistic politicians are pandering to emotion and we are in danger of destroying life on the planet. A new model is derived that shows how a new way of thinking, using our existing brain, could solve these problems and produce the goal of a stable society [Homo completus] and leave the thinking of the animals, of which we are currently a part.

Keywords: Social engineering; relativity; creation equation; organisation ‘Social engineering is the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behaviour of a society’. [definition internet]

The scientific theory expressed by German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnes in his 1905 study The Present Problems of Social Structure, proposes that society can no longer operate successfully using outmoded methods of social management.’ (Wikipedia, Social engineering (political science))

Disclaimer: The organisation behind survival of the fittest has been discussed [6] and contains a major organisational absolute that is, that the successful keep doing what they are doing and their offspring radiate into available niches to test their suitability. Whilst this is workable in a given organisation such as survival of the fittest, Homo sapiens left the security of this organisation 13,000 years ago to use technology to set out on it’s own without understanding the basic rules of organisation [6], but retained the right to impose harsh penalties on those seeking to change the system that they set up [dissidents]. Secondly, this lack of understanding of organisation appears to have hardened into a caste system whereby much misery has been meted out to various sections of society, and in particular, the U.S. declares itself to be the leader of the free world, whereas it appears to hold one of the worst records of abuse to it’s own and allied peoples in it’s way of leading and this paper attempts to correct this lapse. Thirdly, mistakes [contextual] may occur because I am a generalist, whereas a specialist is a specialist [conceptual] in a subject and would not be expected to make mistakes. This state of affairs is relativity and cannot be eliminated.


The need for social engineering: over the last 118 years, we have seen income taxes rise, World Wars fought, [so-called] democracy lauded, eugenics scorned, newspapers, radio and television used for mass indoctrination, and now the theft of information from computers and the internet. We have seen government become increasing obtrusive and only somewhat commensurately with maintaining the increased communal infrastructure that a modern community requires, such as schools, libraries, hospitals etc. and have seen local council rates rise and the imposition of new charges and fines to fund a bloated government that is trying to manipulate us through adverting and using [so called] democracy to benefit political parties and politicians etc. The increased population and higher expectations are causing problems at all levels from traffic congestion to global warming and yet social engineering is practically non-existent at all levels from families to government because there are no experts in the field and there are no experts because we do not understand organisation and our thinking is that of the animals [from which we evolved] that existed under the social organisation of survival of the fittest. Clearly there is an urgent need to better understand our society, to prevent wars, to eliminate castes, to prevent excess population, to improve genetics etc. as well as the overbearing actions of police and politicians in everyday life. If it were true that 118 years ago ‘that society can no longer operate successfully using outmoded methods of social management’, it is even more true today.

What is social engineering?: we need a new appreciation of how the mind, society and the physical come together, and to do that requires starting at the beginning because our universe is, I believe, a fractal generated by a creation equation [3] with a logic that derives from that equation that affects our behaviour and is not the same as what we currently use [4]. Logic is simply the recognition of the restrictions imposed on the universe [and us] for the universe to exist caused by the relativity upon which the creation equation is built, and further, the way that we think is also based on the creation equation and organisation [8], with which physics admits that it has difficulty because ‘information remains bewildering, partly because it crops up in different guises in so many scientific fields.’ (Chance, ed. Michael Brooks, Paul Davies, p 21)

The ‘nuts and bolts’ of social engineering: this paper presents the context [of thinking] as a sideways relativity and a similarity derived from the creation equation of a fractal universe that forms the basis of thinking [concept] and a general mathematical physics [context] that entangles everything into a single organisation [via the mathematics of concept-context]. It winkles out the organisation that Newtonian physics ignores and presents an extension into theoretical modern physics [1, 5] that physics has sidestepped for the last 100 years and that organisation is the orthogonal of the technology upon which modern society is built. Further, I believe that this organisation is the social engineering that we need to organise society and, in particular, prevent the catastrophe that excess population is causing to Life in general on the planet.

Keeping it simple: uses the logic of the half-truth that everything is simple [4] and we must increase our intellect by adding bottom-up organisation to the top-down that we inherited from the animals, and that is why the emphasis on the mind. This paper does not attempt to sway social science, but outlines a new approach that makes social science [and all of science] into a complete workable whole that allow us to see society realistically [2] as the relationships within the Fibonacci series [past, present and future relativities].

The ‘blue sky’ of social engineering: Darwin’s survival of the fittest shows the way of social engineering, and that way is racism, in spite of governments passing laws against racism. Our so-called leaders lead through opportunism [a former Australian politician played on emotion to restrict guns and left Australia defenceless] because the current knowledge and use of organisation is flawed and this paper shows that relativity is the ‘fire behind the fire’ of Plato’s allegory and is the message behind Darwin’s organisation of Life.

Finding Organisation

Starting at the beginning requires firstly, extending Newtonian physics to include the physical and that requires looking at how we think, secondly, how we think is built on the mind which uses the creation equation as its base [affordances [3]] and thirdly, we have to look at the organisation that is hidden by the simplicity/complexity [halftruth] of Newtonian physics. Social science is about measuring society, just as physics has been doing with the physical, but social science cannot understand social engineering because it has been hidden by a physics that cannot comprehend organisation explicitly and has allowed technology to greatly affect society’s living standards without understanding the effects. Logic is the relativity of the restrictions that allow our universe to exist and we are trying to use the logic of a ‘real’ world, where we think the world should do what we think that it should [and not what it actually does do] [6]. Newtonian physics worked [in our understanding] until the MichelsonMorley experiment found that the speed of light was constant to the mind of every observer, no matter what speed they were travelling and this insight shook physics to the core because the universe was communicating with every mind! This interaction is measurement, which is entanglement generated by the creation equation.

This [constant speed of light] led to strange findings [Einstein] that mass, length and time change with the speed relative to the observer and strangely, there was a simple relationship between mass, length and time, [1, 3, 5] which derives the restrictions [from these dimensions], and thus the logic that must be used. Using Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, citizens see the shadows of the fire that philosophers [were supposed to] understand, but they, using Newtonian physics [that does not access the physical] are not seeing the fractal that depends on the physical and pervades all space because the creation equation generates a fractal [making everything simple and similar]. Taking this a step further, philosophy is not the seeker of the beginning, as has been believed for 2,500 years, but is mankind’s top-down guess that, according to this theory requires the bottom-up relativity of cosmology [6]. An example is that the universe is accelerating for the creation equation to exist [1], and that acceleration provides gravity and the simple dimensions [organisation, energy (mass), length and time] require a constant speed of light [3], cosmic inflation [5] etc. The problem is that we must use the physical logic that is the universe in which we live because thinking that the world is ‘real’ gives the wrong answers [6] and we cannot understand our mind.

Conclusion: this shows that physics, philosophy, mathematics [2], and to a lesser extent, the rest of science, are incomplete without organisation as well as thinking [8] and the interaction between the mind and the physical [affordances [3]] that so shocked physics, above.

Using Organisation

The ancient Greeks ‘arm-chair mused’ science, Francis ‘Bacon’s influence led to a focus on practical experimentation in science. He was, however, criticized for neglecting the importance of the imaginative leaps that drive all scientific progress.’ (The Little Book Of Philosophy, p 57) Physics thrived on ‘imaginative leaps’ until 100 years ago when it was found that Newtonian physics could not explain modern physics and physics appears to have retreated into measurement to the extent that it has left it’s offspring [cosmology [1, 5], particle physics [7] etc. that need modern physics] necessarily forced, to remain under the physics umbrella, to try to use Newtonian physics even though without much success. [These opinion papers are alternate [orthogonal] to current physics, see disclaimer] and I should justify this by saying that Newton ‘inspire guessed’ the law of gravitation, was wrong by 50% that was ‘corrected’ by adding the organisation of ‘curved space’ [Einstein] and accepted because it agreed with experiment [Eddington]. The, I believe, better derivation is given in reference [3], and this illustrates the reasoning why theoretical modern physics was shut down 100 years ago.

Newtonian physics only uses half of the creation equation [energy plus organisation equals zero], ignores organisation [thus says that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, which is ridiculous in an accelerating universe [as found by experiment]] and has fostered materials engineering [technology] and ignored the organisation [social engineering] that must accompany technology [to be organisationally effective] because our universe is fractal in being derived from a simple equation [and so is simple and similar]. Just as Newtonian physics has caused problems [in being incomplete, but still useful], our thinking has been incomplete because we use it top-down, whereas bottom-up is ignored and universal relativity is the key to seeing it. Unfortunately, a clearer view of organisation means that we have a clearer view of our deficiencies and no one least of all Homo sapiens likes to be shown to be deficient and consequently, stupid.

The general form of the creation equation [concept plus context is nothing] shows that every concept can be replaced [orthogonality] by an infinitely entangled context [2] and the organisational description of a concept must be a parable as we find in the Bible. Hence using the complete organisational description, above, I will attempt to use examples to indicate a few points of interest.

Social Engineering Examples

Consider that democracy is presented as the ‘best’ political system and yet it is inherently argumentative, divisive by nature, concentrates on extremely short-term goals, politicians are self-seeking, political parties are manipulative etc. and that may have worked for the ancient Greeks [that used a very restricted form], but not now. Not only is multiculturalism divisive in culture, colour and religion etc. but is potentially explosive and can lead to long-term problems of caste. The resultant effect [that governments are seeking] appears to be a mixing or ‘melting pot’ of differences with it being illegal to consider a person’s race to be anything other than solely human, but how can people be differentiated if the law says that we are all the same and we must be differentiated if we are to be selected? If we cannot be differentiated, how can we be judged with a view to improving society? How intelligent are we, as a species, when a significant percentage of people do not believe in Darwin’s theories that lead to evolution of the ‘best’ in every species? Homo sapiens is not good enough and we need Homo completus that uses the goals of the Fibonacci series that aligns with the physical organisation [2].

The above is the basis of a science because it is based on absolutes, and absolutes are a necessary base in order to compare and the scientific principle [of being built on previous work] is flawed if the original assumptions are untrue [as they are likely to be when ‘discovered’ top-down].

The Explosion of Public Servants

Consider ‘the conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population. Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man.’ (Wikipedia, John B. Calhoun, Mouse experiments) In our social-capitalist system we have to have (somewhat) full employment and public servants are that part that are, I believe, barely employable and they will always be with us as long as we allow unfettered breeding. We have to start somewhere and this point of entry is my choice. Technology has fuelled the population explosion and we can use technology to (literally) save civilisation, but it requires an understanding of organisation, the ability to use organisation and the determination to implement it.

The only outcome that we can be sure of comes from experiment [current scientific principle] or evolution [this theory], so, I will use a personal example. I spent 20 years in Canberra when my daughter’s family took over the farm that distributed landscaping plants over the southern half of New South Wales. When they split up, I returned to the farm and had to make a reappraisal of the business structure, considering that the public servant requirements had recently become so onerous [on fitness to drive, registration checks etc] that I reduced the quantity grown, advertised electronically for free and required pick-up at the farm-gate. This meant that I could offer advanced plants for $6 to everyone, and not go through high priced resellers [retailing at $22-$30], no GST, less employment, could recycle the growing pots and rely on the irrigation dam.

Firstly, it is my belief that public servants are a general nuisance, though probably necessary for a society that is degrading [no selection for breeding], by continually ‘looking over our shoulder’ to ensure that our behaviour is within their petty laws, and not allow us the common courtesy of being responsible citizens. Secondly, are they effective workers or just government’s attempt to provide employment to the least capable? Last year I paid the annual $200 fee to WaterNSW a few days late and found that they wanted $400 because on an inside page they charged an excess fee of $200 if payment was late. I had to write to my local Member of Parliament accusing unconscionable behaviour to get the extra $200 back. This year I have written a letter cancelling my water irrigation licence, enduring all sorts of threats and paper-filling typical of public service form-pushing. Thirdly, after 40 years the council has now instigated a scheme called ‘approval to operate a sewage management facility’ at a cost of $300 every few years [previously called a septic tank, and free], fourthly, the police confiscated my rabbit rifle because they claimed it was not housed properly, even though it had been inspected three times over 20 years [the law changed, but no one told me]. The Magistrate apologised [for the police] but I didn’t get the gun back. Fifth, I have just received a letter from the Compliance and Regulation Officer, Biodiversity Conservation Division that said ‘based on observed clearing through high-quality aerial imagery, I have decided to issue a formal warning in this instance and advise that the Department of Planning and Environment will not take any further action in response to this matter.’ When I complained that I hadn’t cleared anything [for the second time] the person answering the call said that the reference number was for another property! A formal warning without adequate investigation shows that public servants are out of control.

Is the (so called) public service a blight on business and life in general? Shouldn’t we have the maturity to police ourselves with common sense? Isn’t that the definition of being civilised in a civilisation? Is the quality of public servants too low and we are scraping the ‘bottom of the barrel’ because our population is degenerating due to our inability to place limits on breeding stock? Not only is the public service currently inept, as above, I believe, are we seeing the prediction of John B. Calhoun, above, that life has become chaotic. There may be another factor at work, that the academic Karl Marx devised a system called communism that is very close to the methods of the public service and was popular enough to support a rebellion but was quickly taken over by ‘strongmen’ [Russia]. Our political system is a Hodgepodge [that we call social-capitalism], an orthogonality that works because of the preponderance of productive workers to non-productive workers [public servants, the sick etc.] that now appears to have tipped too far and we see over-regulation [10].

The problem appears to lie in the lack of organisation that society uses, so, what does this theory suggest? Firstly, controlling the numbers, the make-up, incentive and personality of the population in a given country and secondly, deciding which countries should combine populations. The aim is for people to feel comfortable with those around them, with all having similar religion, colour, physical type, opportunities etc. to concentrate on the aim of improving themselves and their humanity. Clearly, this must be a choice between energy and organisation [creation equation], but as Homo sapiens does not recognise organisation, it is left with energy, which is completely independent of organisation and so, Homo sapiens clearly lacks control. To regain control in a fractal is easy, but it needs to come from the bottom-up organisation and clearly this is missing in human affairs.

Controlling Population [Micro]

The traditional way of controlling population is, if you need more land, to take it from a nearby group, where the resulting war achieved the aim, but Christianity and kingdoms offered an element of stability over large areas and that stability led to greater population pressure which was one reason for the World Wars of the 20th century. The results of which tempered the actions of our (so called) leaders that are now allowing mass migrations that are destabilising the established populations because they do not understand how to deal with it. So, to understand [9, 10] consider that we need energy [food], organisation [creation equation], the Fibonacci absolute [planning] and the need to look at the animals [because energy and organisation are not [strictly] related in their case]. The Fibonacci series [past, present and future relativities] is needed to improve the species, hence, from nature, the herd system seems to fit the bill where a dominant male [having survival characteristics] looks after a herd of females providing protection, access to food etc. in return for passing on his genes, an organisation that benefits all concerned. The public servants are creating more laws to combat domestic violence etc. and involving police in domestic situations without fixing the basic organisation [genetic and personality problems].

Technology is a marvellous invention, but it must be combined with organisation, otherwise there is no planning [relativity] and no targeted result and so we must relate the organisation to the modern setting. The herd system seems to work [but not perfectly], is reasonably widespread in use, that proves that it contributes to the success of survival of the fittest and that should be our aim when contrasted to the present system. In a modern setting, the natural desire to produce the best offspring must be afforded by the system and that is through technology [in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is now available], incentive [money], safety and sustenance for a highly evolved offspring. At present roughly 50% of teenage pregnancies are to unmarried mothers that the state supports, whereas, with a little planning, these mothers could use IVF of successful older males thus providing a selection mechanism that enhances the child’s genes and future. Of course the normal system is available to the majority, but lifelong payment to these teenage mothers would tend to drive the system in the correct direction. This allows young mothers to be useful, respected, gain a lifetime pension, receive the state protection [against domestic violence], and still enter into normal relationships for the rest of their lives.

Consider ‘despite our growing population, state funding of higher education has grown at only 1/25th of the rate of state funding for prisons, to the point where a dozen U.S. States now spend more on their prison systems than they do on their systems of higher education.’ (Upheaval, Jared Diamond, p 373) Clearly, this organisation motivates an at-risk group [unwed mothers], improves nature and nurture of future generations, is funded by reducing prisons, and redirects that money to education. If prison inmates have a higher propensity to antisocial behaviour, which is probable, it becomes imperative that their influence be lessened [genetically] in future generations and this incentive could be a motivation to stay out of prison [a cheaper alternative].

The Fibonacci series [2] is such an important organisational absolute that I will repeat that it says that the only [philosophical] way to gain a goal is to base that goal on the past and the present. The worth of the father can only be seen by comparing future attained goals and that is why successful, healthy, accomplished men should be available for selection as well as for cosmetic reasons, such as less body-hair, more head-hair, as well as a distribution of wealth etc. Women have always been considered as personal and family property and not as a means to improve the species as shown by the animals and it is the government’s job to ensure that the micro [family] and the macro [species] have both necessary and sufficient inputs. Notice that Adam Smith’s observation [that what benefits the person, benefits the market] is necessary, but not sufficient and shows the necessary role of government and the true meaning of democracy. Our (so called) leaders are leaders because they have leadership skills, that they often use for personal and monetary gains and do not use a theory such as this paper does. In essence, I believe that politicians are a reincarnation of the ‘Snake-oil Universal Elixir’ salesmen of the past in a new guise that have leadership skills [concept] without the context that is the relativity and it is the organisation that is missing to guide and control (so-called) leaders. Ask yourself, which leader has produced lasting benefits and not chaos throughout history because our planet is (literally) in danger of a global catastrophe at the moment. (So-called) leaders need expert advice [not a caucus of would-be leaders] and the ‘will of the people’, and that is the definition of democracy and can be done with modern technology [10].

The above section is an example of micro social engineering, that as pointed out [Adam Smith], is a fractal and thus the above is a general form where women are empowered by the state to produce superior offspring and protected whilst doing so. Women should contrast this care with their own selection of older [proven] men who can supply financial stability to offspring aiming toward a general feeling of sameness in appearance, culture and religion. Clearly, this is the opposite to the multiculturalism beloved by politicians in general.

Controlling Population [Macro]

Caste creates artificial boundaries to certain populations within a country according to Caste: the lies that divide us by Isabel Wilkerson. The most extreme example is India with thousands of divisions that create livelihoods for everyone without undue competition that has been in use for hundreds of years. The USA used caste to combine Europeans under a generic White banner against the African-Americans, but the efforts of the last century to restrict populations have proven to be in vain because ‘in the summer of 2008, the U.S. Census Bureau announced its projection that, by 2042, for the first time in American history, whites would no longer be the majority in a country that had known of no other configuration, no other way to be.’ (p 6). In other words, the U.S. seems to have lost it’s way as it says that it is the leader of the Free World and yet it’s economy is caste-ridden to the extreme. According to Jarad Diamond [Upheaval; How Nations Cope With Crisis and Change] the major problems are ‘political polarization to be the most dangerous problem facing us Americans today’ (p 356), tempered by ‘our long history of maintaining the same two political parties - the Democrats since the 1820’s, and the Republicans since 1854 – is actually a sign of flexibility rather than of rigidity.’ (p 377) This might be a sign of flexibility rather than of rigidity, but so what? Setting poor against rich is divisive and an orthogonality where we need agreement.

Secondly, ‘among affluent democracies (so-called OECD nations), the U.S. Ranks at the bottom in voter turnout . . . their commonest answers are that they don’t trust our government, they have no faith in the value of voting, or aren’t interested in politics.’ (p 359) The ‘average turnouts of registered voters in elections in other democratic countries are 93% in Australia, where voting is compulsory by law’ which again shows the intrusiveness of public servants in that country. The basic law to Life is the Fibonacci series with it’s goals and is written into survival of the fittest [the improved tend to survive]. Thirdly, ‘voter turnout is over 80% for Americans with incomes exceeding $150,000, but under 50% for Americans with incomes under $20,000.’ (p 362) ‘No country approaches the U.S. in the expense and uninterrupted operation of our political campaigning. In contrast, in the United Kingdom election campaigning is restricted by law’. (p 363)

Fourthly, ‘the result is that the U.S. is losing its former competitive advantage that rested on an educated workforce, and on science and technology’ (p 372), not to mention the glaring deficiencies of neglecting organisation that is indicated by ‘despite our growing population, state funding of higher education has grown at only 1/25th of the rate of state funding for prisons, to the point where a dozen U.S. States now spend more on their prison systems than they do on their systems of higher education.’ (p 373) Clearly, selecting the personality of the father and providing for the mother should reduce the prison population. Fifthly is the problem of race relations and the entrenched caste system and the only long-term solution is to divide the country and allow people to choose in which country they live and the physical and religious ideals that they wish to follow.

Conclusion and Prediction

The so-called Free World has problems with the U.S., that considers itself to be the leader, and yet it is riven by so many problems within itself, and it is no surprise that the five internal problems listed above are all organisational that surface when physics ignores organisation and that lack is carried into the social sciences that are the foundation of society, and now, haunts our very existence. The answer is to build from the bottom-up to create a civilisation that works for everyone, with no one being exploited and each entitled to show their worth in the survival of the fittest that is the modus operandi of evolution based on the Fibonacci series that underlies Life. This requires competition between distinct groups to find the best and allow ‘underdogs’ to align [contribute genetically] with the better, to benefit all, without the traditional invasion by the better and this comes by assigning goals [Fibonacci series].

It is also no surprise that ‘ever since the rise of the first government 5,400 years ago, they have served two main functions: to maintain internal peace by monopolizing force . . . and to redistribute individual wealth for the purpose of investing in larger aims – in the worst case, enriching the elite; in the best cases, promoting the good of society as a whole.’ (p 372) Compare that with the reverse direction [orthogonality] which is the simplicity and similarity of a fractal [Adam Smith], then we are in a position to describe how a true leader of the Free World should function compared [relativity] to other contenders [9, 10] The leaders [two for relativity] have to show the way and the rest of the world can compare themselves with them. Due to the [I believe the mistake of, from the point of view of the U.S. and other countries] outsourcing of production to low-wage countries, China has gained confidence and is challenging the U.S. That China appears to be stealing the technology of the West shows that in evolution, like love and war, everything is fair and that logic is more complicated [11] than the yes/no traditionally used and to understand world affairs, we have to use the creation equation [concept plus context is nothing]. This is done in [9, 10] the same way that the mind functions, by measuring [affordances] the relationship between [concepts of] marketing areas.

The organisation of society is the result of social engineering which is based on social science, which is a real science [based on organisational absolutes, restrictions, logic etc.] that is the mirror image [orthogonality] of physics and materials engineering [technology, that like physics currently does not contain organisation] and both are needed to build an optimum leadership role for future civilisations that must use the goals required by relativity and the Fibonacci series. For example, the public servants have held sway for [especially the last] 150 years and have lost the confidence of the people through creating so many catastrophic wars [at great cost to ordinary people, [10]] and currently, many countries [the public servants] have contributed weapons to help the Ukraine [without creating total war] in it’s fight against invasion by Russia. A new way of governing is needed and a method is suggested based on the bottom-up organisation of this theory that combines technology [mobile phones] with real democracy that encourages the betterment of society through goals [9, 10]. By closing borders, the public servants have very much less possibility of meddling and creating problems, and as an example, the DVD [Homeland] is entertainment, but shows the machinations of seriously disturbed public servants creating a game-like scenario overlaying society that creates the unrest that society does not need and that sealing borders does away with.


  1. Penney D. Understanding Everything Means Understanding Nothing. Int J Cosmol Astro Astrophys. 2022; S1(1): 7-12. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-012   
  2. Penney D. Exploring Numberland. Int J Cosmol Astro Astrophys. 2022; S1(1): 13-18. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-013   
  3. Penney D. Can Affordances Save Civilisation. Mind & Society. 20(1): 107-110. doi:10.1007/s11299-020-00265-x   
  4. The Logic Of The Half-truth And Plato’s Cave (From an unpublished paper)   
  5. Penney D. Why Solving Cosmic Inflation Could Change Your Mind. Int J Cosmol Astron Astrophys. 2022; S1(1):1-6. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-011   
  6. Penney D. Organising Organisation. Int J Cosmol Astro Astrophys. 2023; S2(1): 26-32. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-014   
  7. The Standard Particle Physics Model Versus Modern Physics (From an unpublished paper)   
  8. Penney D. A Penny for your Thoughts. Int J Cosmol Astron Astrophys. 2022; S1(1):19-25. doi: 10.18689/ijcaa-s1-014   
  9. Social Engineering: The Concept Behind The E.U., U.S., China and Australia (From an unpublished paper)   
  10. The Logic Of The Half-truth And Plato’s Cave. (From an unpublished paper)