Accepted Abstracts
International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemistry
April 3-5, 2017, Dubai, UAE
Sweet manoeuvre for improving the Diels–Alder reaction
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Strategy for the simulation of multi-component gas separation using a single-stage membrane module
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Microbial fuel cell - generating electricity from waste
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Denitrification of liquid fuel using ionic liquids & deep eutectic solvents
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Neural network based PVT analysis of Middle East crude reservoirs
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Vibration effects during conventional rotary drilling
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Carbon dioxide sequestration for enhanced heavy oil recovery
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Flow assurance challenges: Deposition of Paraffin and Asphaltenes
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Hydrogen production by reformation of Bio-ethanol
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Comparitive study of Carbon dioxide absorption in aqueous mixture of various piperazine derivative
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Recovery of spilled oil in water using Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Technique
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Energy integration of crude distillation unit
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Heavy crude rheology improvement using natural and commercial surfactant
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Sulphur rich porous material for Mercury adsorption and thermal insulation
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
A new cubic equation of state for better liquid-phase density prediction
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Low salinity water flooding in secondary recovery mode in a part of an oil field of upper Assam Basin
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Geochemistry of the underground coal gasification cavity at the Majuba pilot plant in South Africa
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Intensification of extractive distillation using ionic liquids as solvent
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
A nano-particle foam unloading agent applied in unloading liquid of deep gas well
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
PPP – Three P’s progress towards operational excellence
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
A chance-constrained approach for optimal operation of gas processing plant under uncertain conditions
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017
Separation of aromatics and aliphatics using deep eutectic solvents
Int J Petrochem Res. 2017