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Editor Name: Zhong Ming Qian
Designation: Chair Professor
University: Fudan University School of Pharmacy
Country: China
Biography: Zhong Ming Qian was born in Suzhou, PRC, and received his M.D. degree in Pathophysiology at Peking University Medical College (Beijing Medical University) of PRC in 1981 and Ph.D. degree in Physiology at the University of Western Australia in 1993. His doctorate research on the mechanisms of iron uptake by mammalian cells was under the direction of Prof. Evan Morgan. He took a position as a lecturer in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in November 1993, and then worked as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Full Professor at the same University until 2012. Since Sept. of 2012, He has been serving as a Chair Professor at Fudan University School of Pharmacy, SHanghai, PRC. In addition, he was a Visiting Professor of Yale University (2008-2009) and a Ph.D. joint-supervisor of Peking University (2001- 2006), Zhejiang University (1999-2004) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001-2008). His research interests are in the areas of brain iron metabolism, metal transport proteins, and the role of brain iron in neurodegeneration. He has published more than 160 papers in SCI journals, including those in Pharmacological Reviews、Neuron, Trends in Pharmacological Science, Trends in Molecular Medicine, Lancet Neurology and Biological Review. Based on his studies and the accumulated information, he proposed for the first time that brain iron misregulation is an initial cause of neuronal death at least in some neurodegenerative disorders. He also hypothesized for the first time that iron and iron-induced oxidative stress constitute a common mechanism of the development of neurodegeneration, and that the misregulation of iron metabolism might be the result of either genetic or non-genetic factors (TMM, 2001). These viewpoints have been well confirmed by a numbers of new evidence from other laboratories (Lancet Neurol, 2003;Prog Neurobiol, 2007).