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Zerrin Erginkaya - Editor

Journal of Food Technology

Editor Name: Zerrin Erginkaya

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Çukurova University

Country: Turkey

Biography: Zerrin Erginkaya BSc., Department of Food Engineering,  University of Hacettepe (1981),  MSc (1988), PhD (1992) and  MIBD, is the professor of Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova University, Turkey. She was Studies for M.Sc. and Ph.D. in University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart and Berlin Technische Universität – Germany 1984-1989). She teaches general microbiology, food microbiology, food safety and microbiolocial quality control and toxicology. Research area is biocontrol of food preservation, antimicrobial effect of microorganism, traditional  fermented foods . She has published 110 research papers and reviews. She contributed to the 1 book editor and 8 book chapters.  She is still head of Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova University. 

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision