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Editor Name: Yury Evgeny R

Designation: Professor

University: Grodno State Medical University

Country: Russia

Biography: Dr. Yury Evgeny Razvodovsky is currently holding the position of Head of the Department of biomedical problems of alcoholism in the Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Professor of International Academy of Sobriety. He has worked as associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry and a senior research scientist in the Scientific Laboratory (Alcohol and Drug-Related Problems Research Group) at the Grodno State Medical University (Belarus). He has published more than 1000 papers in English and Russian language and 30 monographs. He is a founding member of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM), presiding member of the International Academy of Sobriety (IAS), national representative for Belarus of World Suicidology Net and is an active member of National Association of Psychiatrists. His research interests include different aspects of alcohol and drug-related problems

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