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Editor Name: Yiping Guo

Designation: Professor

University: Shanghai Jiaotong University

Country: China

Biography: Dr. Yiping Guo received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Materials Science from Northwestern Polytechnic University in 1995 and 1998, respectively, and his Ph.D. in Materials Science from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2003. He was an engineer at Shandong Institute of ceramics science and technology from 1998.4 to 2000.3, a COE (center of excellence) postdoctor at Nagoya Institute of technology (Japan) from 2003.4-2004.12, a postdoctor at Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Japan) from 2005.1-2006.3, and a research associate at Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) from 2006.4-2007.3. He joined Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2007.4, as an associate professor. From 2007.12-2008.3, he visited Toyohashi University of Technology as an associate professor. From 2009.6-2010.8, he visited Australian National University as an ARC postdoctor.

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Editor's Decision