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Editor Name: Yarub Al-Douri

Designation: Professor

University: Bahcesehir University

Country: Iraq

Biography: Prof. Dr. Yarub Al-Douri is from American University of Iraq, Sulaimani. Al-Douri has initiated Nanotechnology Engineering MSc Program and Nano Computing Laboratory. He has received numerous accolades including World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University, USA 2021 & 2020, OeAD Award, Austria 2020, JSPS Award 2019, AUA Award 2019, IFIA 2019, TWAS-UNESCO Associateship (Twice) Award 2015 & 2012, the total is 69 awards. Al-Douri have more than 750 publications. Al-Douri is Associate Editor of Nano-Micro Letters (Springer, Q1), Editor-in-Chief of Experimental and Theoretical NANOTECHNOLOGY, Editor-in-Chief of World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision