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Editor Name: Yan Su

Designation: Professor

University: National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Country: China


Since obtaining my Ph.D., the central theme of my work has been transferred to Chinese lunar and Mars project from FAST and SKA project. Relying on solid foundation of radio astronomy technology, I have made an outstanding contribution in Chinese lunar and deep space project. 

As a chief designer in charge of the ground station, we developed 50m and 40m antennas,cryogenic receiver and demodulation backendwith high performance. I overcome a number ofserious problems such as effects of Sun transit, single frequency interference suppression and low SNR demodulation technique. The ground stations have received Chinese lunar scientific downlink data successfully and fulfill data requirements for scientific research.

Deeply involvement with radar payload on board Chinese lunar and Mars spacecraft, some scientific research achievements have been obtained as follow.The first in-situ radar image of the lunar subsurface structurehas been obtained. A correlation between radar signal and noise has been carried out to analyze radar detection depth. Dielectric constant of lunar regolith has been derived by Hyperbola method. High Dielectric constant area implies the hints of the existence of mineral deposits. Based on S-transform, ghost layers can be distinguished in the hundreds meters of lunar soil. Furthermore by noise reduction of S-transform, SNR can be increased significantly to give a more clear lunar regolith layer interface. 

I am also working on Chinese Low Frequency Radio Spectrometeron board Chinese Chang’e-4 lander. We present a data processing method to reduce the background noise by 15 dB.In addition I get involved in Netherland-China Low Frequency Explorer project. 

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