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Editor Name: Xiang Peng Liao

Designation: Chief Physician

University: Shanghai Gongli Hospital

Country: China


Xiang-Peng Liao, MD, PhD, graduated fromShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, was a SteckerInternational Neonatal Fellow at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio State University, and a visiting professor participatingin the Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine Observership Program at the four hospitals affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Dr.Liao completed his postdoctoral study in the area of Reproductive and Perinatal Medicinesupported by theCanadian Institute of Health-Quebec Perinatal Research Scholarship at theUniversité de Sherbrooke.

Dr. Liao has his expertise in improving the quality of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Paediatrics. He has been a Chief Physician, Academic Director of a newbornmedicine department at the Nanjing Medical University, and a Chief Physician of Paediatrics at the Second Military Medical University

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision