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Editor Name: Wolfgang Kiefer

Designation: Professor

University: University of Wurzburg

Country: Germany


Dr.Wolfgang Kiefer since 1996-1997 he is Dean of Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University
of Würzburg, Germany.2006-present he is Retired Professor from University of Würzburg, Germany.
Research interest:Laser Physics, Femtosecond Coherent Four-Wave-Mixing Spectroscopy (e.g. Coherent anti-Stokes,Raman Spectroscopy, Degenerate Four-Wave-Mixing),Resonance Raman spectroscopy; Development of theories for resonance Ramanscattering; FT-IR spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations on metal complexes;Surface Enhanced RamanScattering (SERS); Development of special techniques for linear and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy; Matrix isolation spectroscopy; Micro-Raman imaging and mapping; CARS microscopy.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision