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Editor Name: William J Maloney

Designation: Associate Professor

University: NYU College of Dentistry

Country: USA


William J Maloney is an Associate Professor at NYU College of Dentistry, USA.
Original Reports
Maloney WJ. "An overview of angular cheilitis". Bulletin of the Ninth District Dental
Society. 2001;85:16-17
Maloney WJ. "An overview of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease". Bulletin of the Ninth
District Dental Society. 2001;85(3):16-17 (Sept )
Maloney WJ. "Manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of Pemphigus Vulgaris". Bulletin
of the Ninth District Dental Society. 2001;85(1):31-32 (March )
Maloney WJ. "An overview of the signs and symptoms of anthrax". Bulletin of the Ninth
District Dental Society. 2002;86(1):33-33 (March )

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision