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Walid Tawfik Younes Mohamed - Editor

Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience

Editor Name: Walid Tawfik Younes Mohamed

Designation: Professor

University: Cairo University

Country: Egypt

Biography: Walid Tawfik Younes Mohamed is a Full Professor at Cairo University, Egypt.

My research plans are devoted to ultrafast optics and photonics: nonlinear interactions of short laser light and matter using time-resolved spectroscopy for laser-pulse durations from nanosecond to few-cycle. The ultrafast pulses are characterized using autocorrelator, SPIDER, and FROG measurements. The studies include the application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) used in the field of analytical spectroscopy and plasma characterization, in addition to ultrafast nonlinear phenomena due to propagation of ultrafast pulses in nonlinear medium and how the interactions can be exploited for improved material characterization. The prospective plans aim to reach attosecond streaking to study transient absorption spectroscopy of ultrafast electron motion.

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