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Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna - Editor

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Editor Name: Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna


University: Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry(NAS)

Country: Ukraine

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Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna - Editor

Journal of Biotechnology and Recent Advances

Editor Name: Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna

Designation: Principal researcher, senior staff scientist

University: Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, NAS

Country: Ukarain


Research interests: 
The creation of new effective and ecologically safe plant growth regulators of synthetic and natural origin and study of the physiological, biochemical and molecular-genetic aspects of their action on accelerating growth of agricultural plants, improving of crop productivity and increasing of plant resistance to pathogenic and parasitic organisms (bacteria, fungi, nematodes and insect-pests) and stress-factors of environment (drought, cold, heat, soil contamination etc.) by the way of inducing of RNA interference (RNAi) process in the plant cells.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision