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Editor Name: Tianzhi Yang

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Husson University School of Pharmacy

Country: USA

Biography: Dr. Tianzhi Yang received her B.S. in Pharmacy and M.S. in Pharmaceutics from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University in 1999, and earned her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Peking University Health Sciences Center in 2002 in Beijing, China. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Texas Tech University School of Pharmacy, she joined Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy in Florida as an Assistant Professor. Currently Dr. Yang is an Associate Professor of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences in Husson University School of Pharmacy. Dr. Yang has a strong research background in noninvasive delivery of macromolecular drugs as well as drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier. Her research has yielded more than 30 peer-reviewed research papers and numerous presentations at local, national, and international meetings

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision