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Editor Name: Thuc P. Vo

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Northumbria University

Country: United Kingdom


Dr. THUC P. VO working as senior lecturer in the Department of Mechanical & Construction Engineering at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST
Module Leader for Introduction to Design and Professional
Skills, Structural Analysis, Structural Methods and Models for Design, Integrated Group Design Project
Taught on Engineering Surveying, Design, Computer
Modelling and Design and Application of Mechanical Systems, Introduction to Mechanics, Finite Element Models

Research Activities
My passion for research is reflected in record of high-quality research outputs. Compelling proofs are clearly evidenced through 70 journal papers and 21 conference papers receiving 1908 citations and h-index 26 up-to-date (Scopus accessed on 17/10/18). The majority are in prestigious (Q1) journals. I am sought out as an expert on finite element analysis and computational simulations of composite structures (thin-walled structures, beams/plates, nano/micro structures, fiber-metal laminates), steel and aluminum structures

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision