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Editor Name: Syed Ziaur Rahman

Designation: Professor

University: Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Hospital

Country: India

Biography: Prof. Syed Ziaur Rahman is working in the field of Pharmacology for the last 20 years with vast research experience in basic and clinical pharmacology at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As a scholar, he has to his credit 7 published books, 10 chapters and more than 160 research papers/case-reports in both national and international journals. He edited 11 periodicals and has been invited to deliver several lectures both as a guest speaker and as resource person. He attended 60 Workshops/Training Programs and presented papers during 44 International Conferences and 61 National Conferences. He himself organized two international conferences/CMEs and many national conferences/symposiums and handled 7 academic projects.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision