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Swapna Williamson - Editor

Journal of Nursing

Editor Name: Swapna Williamson

Designation: Associate Professor

University: University of west London

Country: UK


Dr. Swapna Naskar Williamson PhD, MMEd has 34 years of extensive experience in delivering high quality teaching comprised of 20 years in India and 14 years in the UK at the University of West London to undergraduate and postgraduate students from L4 to L7 modules i.e., learning to learn, personal and professional development, research methods, dissertation supervision. She continually receive positive student evaluation and positive external examiners' review comments. She has conducted primary research, published scholarly activities and presented papers in national and international conferences. She is an active member of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and conducted a funded workshop for the HEA fellows. She engaged in enterprise activities and continue to maintain a strong link with academics of various universities worldwide with regard to the use of my developed Self Rating Scale of Self Directed Learning (SRSSDL). She has undertaken a joint research project on 'An Exploration and Analysis of Employability Skills for the Health and Social Care Curriculum as perceived by Stakeholders',

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision